Monthly Statistics                      as of: 29-Feb-24
	Run Date:  08-Mar-24
	Prov:                     PE
	# of Herds                            79
	# of Cows (count from animals)      7460
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)      7441
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)      6441
	# of Hfrs (any age)                 6645
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          3     3.8%                3     3.8%
	30 to 50         14    17.7%               12    15.2%
	51 to 79         30    38.0%               26    32.9%
	80 to 150        22    27.8%               28    35.4%
	>150             10    12.7%               10    12.7%
	  		Herds				Animals
	Parlours  	       33			     3694
	  Ind Stall         0			        0
	  Rotary            1			      415
	  Hrrng Bone       13			     1162
	  Parallel          9			     1570
	  Parabone          1			       39
	  Flat Barn         9			      508
	Pipeline  	       32			     2223
	Buckets   	        0			        0
	StepSaver 	        0			        0
	Robotic   	       12			     1411
	Unknown   	        1			       75
	Total	  	       78			     7403


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: NS # of Herds 104 # of Cows (count from animals) 11355 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11368 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 7628 # of Hfrs (any age) 7899 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 5 4.8% 4 3.9% 30 to 50 10 9.6% 11 10.8% 51 to 79 37 35.6% 39 38.2% 80 to 150 34 32.7% 31 30.4% >150 18 17.3% 17 16.7% Herds Animals Parlours 43 6348 Ind Stall 2 154 Rotary 3 1261 Hrrng Bone 21 2018 Parallel 16 2875 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 1 40 Pipeline 38 2447 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 21 2538 Unknown 0 0 Total 102 11333


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: NB # of Herds 103 # of Cows (count from animals) 11691 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11672 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 7939 # of Hfrs (any age) 8742 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 2 1.9% 2 1.9% 30 to 50 15 14.6% 13 12.6% 51 to 79 38 36.9% 41 39.8% 80 to 150 28 27.2% 29 28.2% >150 20 19.4% 18 17.5% Herds Animals Parlours 31 5427 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 4 1415 Hrrng Bone 14 2113 Parallel 11 1705 Parabone 1 73 Flat Barn 1 121 Pipeline 29 1876 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 26 2615 Unknown 0 0 Total 86 9918


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: QC # of Herds 3231 # of Cows (count from animals) 272824 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 272543 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 160863 # of Hfrs (any age) 180259 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 92 2.8% 97 2.9% 30 to 50 598 18.5% 675 20.5% 51 to 79 1300 40.2% 1330 40.4% 80 to 150 1001 31.0% 961 29.2% >150 240 7.4% 230 7.0% Herds Animals Parlours 246 38311 Ind Stall 33 3929 Rotary 25 7734 Hrrng Bone 28 3821 Parallel 124 18064 Parabone 22 2974 Flat Barn 14 1789 Pipeline 2048 145551 Buckets 3 69 StepSaver 1 123 Robotic 411 46070 Unknown 9 761 Total 2718 230885


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: ON # of Herds 2048 # of Cows (count from animals) 186064 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 185973 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 175630 # of Hfrs (any age) 186878 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 64 3.1% 54 2.6% 30 to 50 439 21.4% 446 21.6% 51 to 79 768 37.5% 772 37.5% 80 to 150 557 27.2% 572 27.8% >150 220 10.7% 217 10.5% Herds Animals Parlours 549 73974 Ind Stall 13 884 Rotary 17 5002 Hrrng Bone 226 27838 Parallel 247 36778 Parabone 36 2945 Flat Barn 10 527 Pipeline 1085 66002 Buckets 14 471 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 383 44549 Unknown 3 316 Total 2034 185312


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: MB # of Herds 126 # of Cows (count from animals) 25196 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 25256 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 24363 # of Hfrs (any age) 25681 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 0.8% 2 1.6% 30 to 50 6 4.8% 8 6.2% 51 to 79 34 27.0% 32 24.8% 80 to 150 49 38.9% 54 41.9% >150 36 28.6% 33 25.6% Herds Animals Parlours 38 12265 Ind Stall 1 113 Rotary 5 3567 Hrrng Bone 11 896 Parallel 18 5925 Parabone 3 1764 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 27 2288 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 62 12192 Unknown 0 0 Total 127 26745


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: SK # of Herds 75 # of Cows (count from animals) 15185 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 15231 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 17322 # of Hfrs (any age) 18190 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 1.3% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 1 1.3% 2 2.7% 51 to 79 3 4.0% 4 5.5% 80 to 150 35 46.7% 34 46.6% >150 35 46.7% 33 45.2% Herds Animals Parlours 45 11615 Ind Stall 4 579 Rotary 5 2845 Hrrng Bone 15 2210 Parallel 19 5747 Parabone 2 234 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 4 410 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 26 3899 Unknown 1 489 Total 76 16413


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: AB # of Herds 285 # of Cows (count from animals) 47226 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 47299 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 56205 # of Hfrs (any age) 61640 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 4 1.4% 5 1.7% 51 to 79 28 9.8% 29 10.1% 80 to 150 143 50.2% 142 49.7% >150 110 38.6% 110 38.5% Herds Animals Parlours 194 33828 Ind Stall 10 993 Rotary 14 4857 Hrrng Bone 96 12529 Parallel 72 15177 Parabone 1 118 Flat Barn 1 154 Pipeline 7 656 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 83 12545 Unknown 0 0 Total 284 47029


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: BC # of Herds 180 # of Cows (count from animals) 34183 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 34111 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 33647 # of Hfrs (any age) 36316 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 4 2.2% 4 2.2% 30 to 50 11 6.1% 14 7.6% 51 to 79 29 16.1% 23 12.5% 80 to 150 56 31.1% 61 33.2% >150 80 44.4% 82 44.6% Herds Animals Parlours 117 24928 Ind Stall 2 193 Rotary 5 3220 Hrrng Bone 68 11255 Parallel 37 9380 Parabone 5 880 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 5 187 Buckets 1 10 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 57 9409 Unknown 0 0 Total 180 34534


Monthly Statistics as of: 29-Feb-24 Run Date: 08-Mar-24 Prov: NF # of Herds 9 # of Cows (count from animals) 1626 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 1627 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 1518 # of Hfrs (any age) 1608 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 51 to 79 1 11.1% 0 0.0% 80 to 150 2 22.2% 1 12.5% >150 6 66.7% 7 87.5% Herds Animals Parlours 6 1296 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 1 94 Hrrng Bone 3 747 Parallel 2 455 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 0 0 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 3 330 Unknown 0 0 Total 9 1626