Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Jul-23
	Run Date:  08-Aug-23
	Prov:                     PE
	# of Herds                            80
	# of Cows (count from animals)      7650
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)      7642
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)      6527
	# of Hfrs (any age)                 6722
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          3     3.8%                2     2.4%
	30 to 50         15    18.8%               18    21.4%
	51 to 79         24    30.0%               28    33.3%
	80 to 150        28    35.0%               28    33.3%
	>150             10    12.5%                8     9.5%
	  		Herds				Animals
	Parlours  	       33			     3676
	  Ind Stall         0			        0
	  Rotary            1			      421
	  Hrrng Bone       13			     1145
	  Parallel          9			     1552
	  Parabone          1			       38
	  Flat Barn         9			      520
	Pipeline  	       33			     2308
	Buckets   	        0			        0
	StepSaver 	        0			        0
	Robotic   	       11			     1419
	Unknown   	        1			       73
	Total	  	       78			     7476


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: NS # of Herds 103 # of Cows (count from animals) 11599 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11594 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 7411 # of Hfrs (any age) 7711 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 4 3.9% 4 3.9% 30 to 50 12 11.7% 17 16.7% 51 to 79 35 34.0% 32 31.4% 80 to 150 33 32.0% 34 33.3% >150 19 18.4% 15 14.7% Herds Animals Parlours 42 6407 Ind Stall 2 151 Rotary 3 1328 Hrrng Bone 21 2078 Parallel 15 2809 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 1 41 Pipeline 40 2575 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 20 2594 Unknown 0 0 Total 102 11576


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: NB # of Herds 104 # of Cows (count from animals) 11856 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11789 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 7954 # of Hfrs (any age) 8742 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 2 1.9% 3 2.9% 30 to 50 12 11.5% 13 12.6% 51 to 79 43 41.3% 44 42.7% 80 to 150 29 27.9% 27 26.2% >150 18 17.3% 16 15.5% Herds Animals Parlours 32 5493 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 4 1424 Hrrng Bone 15 2197 Parallel 11 1695 Parabone 1 67 Flat Barn 1 110 Pipeline 29 1914 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 26 2641 Unknown 0 0 Total 87 10048


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: QC # of Herds 3272 # of Cows (count from animals) 272649 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 272676 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 162068 # of Hfrs (any age) 179102 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 98 3.0% 117 3.5% 30 to 50 644 19.7% 720 21.6% 51 to 79 1312 40.1% 1327 39.7% 80 to 150 986 30.1% 959 28.7% >150 232 7.1% 217 6.5% Herds Animals Parlours 251 38806 Ind Stall 33 4363 Rotary 25 7807 Hrrng Bone 28 3875 Parallel 129 18164 Parabone 24 3127 Flat Barn 12 1470 Pipeline 2129 149841 Buckets 3 76 StepSaver 1 126 Robotic 386 43410 Unknown 21 1605 Total 2791 233864


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: ON # of Herds 2065 # of Cows (count from animals) 190612 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 190464 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 175745 # of Hfrs (any age) 185531 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 60 2.9% 65 3.1% 30 to 50 428 20.7% 459 21.7% 51 to 79 779 37.7% 805 38.0% 80 to 150 571 27.7% 572 27.0% >150 227 11.0% 216 10.2% Herds Animals Parlours 548 77032 Ind Stall 14 974 Rotary 19 6113 Hrrng Bone 230 28913 Parallel 240 37211 Parabone 36 3335 Flat Barn 9 486 Pipeline 1130 69993 Buckets 15 511 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 357 42352 Unknown 5 280 Total 2055 190168


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: MB # of Herds 130 # of Cows (count from animals) 24889 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 24912 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 24477 # of Hfrs (any age) 25823 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 0.8% 3 2.3% 30 to 50 6 4.6% 4 3.0% 51 to 79 35 26.9% 41 30.8% 80 to 150 54 41.5% 47 35.3% >150 34 26.2% 38 28.6% Herds Animals Parlours 40 12239 Ind Stall 1 116 Rotary 4 3137 Hrrng Bone 14 1311 Parallel 18 5898 Parabone 3 1777 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 28 2323 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 63 11903 Unknown 0 0 Total 131 26465


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: SK # of Herds 75 # of Cows (count from animals) 15051 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 15078 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 17600 # of Hfrs (any age) 18397 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 1.3% 1 1.4% 30 to 50 1 1.3% 1 1.4% 51 to 79 4 5.3% 4 5.7% 80 to 150 36 48.0% 32 45.7% >150 33 44.0% 32 45.7% Herds Animals Parlours 45 11657 Ind Stall 4 555 Rotary 5 2898 Hrrng Bone 15 2229 Parallel 19 5721 Parabone 2 254 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 4 422 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 26 3841 Unknown 1 476 Total 76 16396


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: AB # of Herds 285 # of Cows (count from animals) 47785 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 47766 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 55814 # of Hfrs (any age) 60691 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 4 1.4% 6 2.1% 51 to 79 28 9.8% 33 11.4% 80 to 150 143 50.2% 143 49.3% >150 110 38.6% 108 37.2% Herds Animals Parlours 199 34916 Ind Stall 10 982 Rotary 14 4824 Hrrng Bone 101 13722 Parallel 72 15108 Parabone 1 138 Flat Barn 1 142 Pipeline 9 897 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 76 11845 Unknown 1 122 Total 285 47780


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: BC # of Herds 190 # of Cows (count from animals) 36326 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 36249 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 35500 # of Hfrs (any age) 37778 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 4 2.1% 4 2.0% 30 to 50 13 6.8% 15 7.5% 51 to 79 27 14.2% 27 13.4% 80 to 150 59 31.1% 68 33.8% >150 87 45.8% 87 43.3% Herds Animals Parlours 126 26777 Ind Stall 2 202 Rotary 7 4041 Hrrng Bone 75 12135 Parallel 37 9513 Parabone 5 886 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 5 189 Buckets 1 8 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 58 9747 Unknown 0 0 Total 190 36721


Monthly Statistics as of: 31-Jul-23 Run Date: 08-Aug-23 Prov: NF # of Herds 10 # of Cows (count from animals) 1748 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 1743 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 1435 # of Hfrs (any age) 1484 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 51 to 79 2 20.0% 0 0.0% 80 to 150 2 20.0% 2 22.2% >150 6 60.0% 7 77.8% Herds Animals Parlours 6 1293 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 1 90 Hrrng Bone 3 738 Parallel 2 465 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 0 0 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 4 455 Unknown 0 0 Total 10 1748