Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Apr-23
	Run Date:  08-May-23
	Prov:                     PE
	# of Herds                            82
	# of Cows (count from animals)      7619
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)      7629
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)      6571
	# of Hfrs (any age)                 6751
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          3     3.7%                3     3.5%
	30 to 50         15    18.3%               17    20.0%
	51 to 79         27    32.9%               30    35.3%
	80 to 150        27    32.9%               28    32.9%
	>150             10    12.2%                7     8.2%
	  		Herds				Animals
	Parlours  	       34			     3668
	  Ind Stall         1			       77
	  Rotary            1			      420
	  Hrrng Bone       13			     1110
	  Parallel          9			     1508
	  Parabone          1			       41
	  Flat Barn         9			      512
	Pipeline  	       34			     2296
	Buckets   	        0			        0
	StepSaver 	        0			        0
	Robotic   	       11			     1394
	Unknown   	        1			       68
	Total	  	       80			     7426


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: NS # of Herds 104 # of Cows (count from animals) 11509 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11522 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 7292 # of Hfrs (any age) 7628 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 3 2.9% 5 4.9% 30 to 50 12 11.5% 18 17.5% 51 to 79 37 35.6% 31 30.1% 80 to 150 33 31.7% 36 35.0% >150 19 18.3% 13 12.6% Herds Animals Parlours 42 6258 Ind Stall 2 141 Rotary 3 1245 Hrrng Bone 21 2080 Parallel 15 2752 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 1 40 Pipeline 41 2624 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 18 2399 Unknown 0 0 Total 101 11281


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: NB # of Herds 105 # of Cows (count from animals) 11810 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11764 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 8143 # of Hfrs (any age) 8886 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 2 1.9% 3 3.0% 30 to 50 15 14.3% 10 9.9% 51 to 79 41 39.0% 45 44.6% 80 to 150 28 26.7% 27 26.7% >150 19 18.1% 16 15.8% Herds Animals Parlours 32 5433 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 4 1404 Hrrng Bone 15 2191 Parallel 11 1656 Parabone 1 71 Flat Barn 1 111 Pipeline 29 1851 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 27 2705 Unknown 0 0 Total 88 9989


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: QC # of Herds 3292 # of Cows (count from animals) 271192 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 271050 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 164111 # of Hfrs (any age) 180395 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 106 3.2% 113 3.4% 30 to 50 665 20.2% 765 22.8% 51 to 79 1316 40.0% 1360 40.5% 80 to 150 976 29.6% 901 26.9% >150 229 7.0% 216 6.4% Herds Animals Parlours 257 38681 Ind Stall 35 4564 Rotary 26 7910 Hrrng Bone 29 3822 Parallel 130 17831 Parabone 25 3155 Flat Barn 12 1399 Pipeline 2189 151932 Buckets 3 73 StepSaver 1 113 Robotic 388 42644 Unknown 19 1445 Total 2857 234888


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: ON # of Herds 2086 # of Cows (count from animals) 189271 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 189044 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 177401 # of Hfrs (any age) 186692 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 63 3.0% 71 3.3% 30 to 50 442 21.2% 476 22.2% 51 to 79 790 37.9% 808 37.7% 80 to 150 569 27.3% 571 26.7% >150 222 10.6% 215 10.0% Herds Animals Parlours 562 76880 Ind Stall 15 1095 Rotary 19 5950 Hrrng Bone 238 29197 Parallel 243 36742 Parabone 37 3397 Flat Barn 10 499 Pipeline 1148 70159 Buckets 15 506 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 349 41222 Unknown 5 280 Total 2079 189047


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: MB # of Herds 130 # of Cows (count from animals) 24695 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 24718 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 24836 # of Hfrs (any age) 26089 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 2 1.5% 2 1.5% 30 to 50 8 6.2% 7 5.3% 51 to 79 33 25.4% 39 29.3% 80 to 150 52 40.0% 50 37.6% >150 35 26.9% 35 26.3% Herds Animals Parlours 39 11880 Ind Stall 1 116 Rotary 4 3022 Hrrng Bone 14 1270 Parallel 17 5729 Parabone 3 1743 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 28 2328 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 64 12028 Unknown 0 0 Total 131 26236


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: SK # of Herds 73 # of Cows (count from animals) 13709 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 13731 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 16169 # of Hfrs (any age) 16897 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 1.4% 1 1.4% 30 to 50 1 1.4% 2 2.8% 51 to 79 2 2.7% 3 4.2% 80 to 150 37 50.7% 35 48.6% >150 32 43.8% 31 43.1% Herds Animals Parlours 44 9150 Ind Stall 4 566 Rotary 4 1555 Hrrng Bone 16 2359 Parallel 18 4413 Parabone 2 257 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 4 448 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 25 3719 Unknown 1 494 Total 74 13811


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: AB # of Herds 290 # of Cows (count from animals) 47815 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 47698 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 55756 # of Hfrs (any age) 60437 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 3 1.0% 7 2.4% 51 to 79 36 12.4% 32 10.9% 80 to 150 137 47.2% 145 49.5% >150 114 39.3% 109 37.2% Herds Animals Parlours 207 35631 Ind Stall 10 960 Rotary 13 3989 Hrrng Bone 104 13996 Parallel 78 16399 Parabone 1 142 Flat Barn 1 145 Pipeline 9 891 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 74 11177 Unknown 1 106 Total 291 47805


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: BC # of Herds 193 # of Cows (count from animals) 36285 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 36271 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 36099 # of Hfrs (any age) 38272 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 5 2.6% 4 1.9% 30 to 50 12 6.2% 16 7.7% 51 to 79 27 14.0% 31 15.0% 80 to 150 62 32.1% 68 32.9% >150 87 45.1% 88 42.5% Herds Animals Parlours 130 27218 Ind Stall 3 297 Rotary 7 4086 Hrrng Bone 77 12352 Parallel 38 9588 Parabone 5 895 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 5 189 Buckets 1 7 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 58 9390 Unknown 0 0 Total 194 36804


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Apr-23 Run Date: 08-May-23 Prov: NF # of Herds 10 # of Cows (count from animals) 1910 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 1910 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 1467 # of Hfrs (any age) 1524 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 51 to 79 2 20.0% 0 0.0% 80 to 150 1 10.0% 2 22.2% >150 7 70.0% 7 77.8% Herds Animals Parlours 5 1222 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 0 0 Hrrng Bone 3 738 Parallel 2 484 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 1 246 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 4 442 Unknown 0 0 Total 10 1910