Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-21
	Run Date:  08-Oct-21
	Prov:                     PE
	# of Herds                            86
	# of Cows (count from animals)      7765
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)      7741
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)      6817
	# of Hfrs (any age)                 6972
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          4     4.7%                2     2.3%
	30 to 50         15    17.4%               12    14.0%
	51 to 79         29    33.7%               36    41.9%
	80 to 150        30    34.9%               28    32.6%
	>150              8     9.3%                8     9.3%
	  		Herds				Animals
	Parlours  	       38			     4078
	  Ind Stall         3			      355
	  Rotary            1			      384
	  Hrrng Bone       12			     1060
	  Parallel         11			     1597
	  Parabone          1			       37
	  Flat Barn        10			      645
	Pipeline  	       39			     2821
	Buckets   	        1			       21
	StepSaver 	        0			        0
	Robotic   	        4			      655
	Unknown   	        2			      111
	Total	  	       84			     7686


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: NS # of Herds 109 # of Cows (count from animals) 10929 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 10889 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 8457 # of Hfrs (any age) 8951 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 5 4.6% 5 4.7% 30 to 50 18 16.5% 16 15.1% 51 to 79 36 33.0% 35 33.0% 80 to 150 33 30.3% 36 34.0% >150 17 15.6% 14 13.2% Herds Animals Parlours 48 6462 Ind Stall 2 144 Rotary 2 803 Hrrng Bone 28 2889 Parallel 14 2475 Parabone 1 104 Flat Barn 1 47 Pipeline 48 2965 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 11 1365 Unknown 0 0 Total 107 10792


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: NB # of Herds 105 # of Cows (count from animals) 11570 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 11543 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 8754 # of Hfrs (any age) 9218 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 3 2.9% 3 2.8% 30 to 50 15 14.3% 14 12.8% 51 to 79 42 40.0% 45 41.3% 80 to 150 28 26.7% 30 27.5% >150 17 16.2% 17 15.6% Herds Animals Parlours 36 6544 Ind Stall 1 64 Rotary 5 1833 Hrrng Bone 17 2421 Parallel 12 2087 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 1 139 Pipeline 35 2106 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 19 1637 Unknown 0 0 Total 90 10287


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: QC # of Herds 3418 # of Cows (count from animals) 270787 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 270626 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 176859 # of Hfrs (any age) 186996 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 131 3.8% 150 4.4% 30 to 50 788 23.1% 850 24.7% 51 to 79 1364 39.9% 1375 39.9% 80 to 150 910 26.6% 865 25.1% >150 225 6.6% 202 5.9% Herds Animals Parlours 261 37755 Ind Stall 37 4019 Rotary 25 7656 Hrrng Bone 34 4154 Parallel 127 17354 Parabone 25 3176 Flat Barn 13 1396 Pipeline 2464 164776 Buckets 7 512 StepSaver 1 136 Robotic 386 44051 Unknown 18 1401 Total 3137 248631


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: ON # of Herds 2238 # of Cows (count from animals) 206449 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 206324 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 195323 # of Hfrs (any age) 203942 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 68 3.0% 72 3.2% 30 to 50 459 20.5% 474 20.8% 51 to 79 823 36.8% 847 37.2% 80 to 150 639 28.6% 640 28.1% >150 249 11.1% 246 10.8% Herds Animals Parlours 624 87782 Ind Stall 17 1223 Rotary 20 6450 Hrrng Bone 273 34348 Parallel 261 41443 Parabone 39 3479 Flat Barn 14 839 Pipeline 1264 78328 Buckets 17 591 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 327 39477 Unknown 3 171 Total 2235 206349


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: MB # of Herds 140 # of Cows (count from animals) 26719 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 26642 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 28549 # of Hfrs (any age) 29872 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 0.7% 2 1.4% 30 to 50 5 3.6% 5 3.4% 51 to 79 34 24.3% 41 28.1% 80 to 150 58 41.4% 60 41.1% >150 42 30.0% 38 26.0% Herds Animals Parlours 49 13630 Ind Stall 3 511 Rotary 3 1626 Hrrng Bone 17 2862 Parallel 20 6385 Parabone 5 2081 Flat Barn 1 165 Pipeline 30 2581 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 62 12165 Unknown 0 0 Total 141 28376


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: SK # of Herds 79 # of Cows (count from animals) 15933 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 15907 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 16919 # of Hfrs (any age) 17863 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 1.3% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 2 2.5% 2 2.6% 51 to 79 4 5.1% 4 5.1% 80 to 150 33 41.8% 36 46.2% >150 39 49.4% 36 46.2% Herds Animals Parlours 51 12190 Ind Stall 4 543 Rotary 4 1579 Hrrng Bone 15 2395 Parallel 26 7422 Parabone 2 251 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 6 601 Buckets 1 11 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 21 3126 Unknown 0 0 Total 79 15928


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: AB # of Herds 303 # of Cows (count from animals) 50232 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 50168 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 56764 # of Hfrs (any age) 60620 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 1 0.3% 1 0.3% 30 to 50 7 2.3% 8 2.6% 51 to 79 33 10.9% 37 12.2% 80 to 150 145 47.9% 139 45.7% >150 117 38.6% 119 39.1% Herds Animals Parlours 220 39061 Ind Stall 11 1041 Rotary 16 4960 Hrrng Bone 115 16249 Parallel 76 16533 Parabone 1 140 Flat Barn 1 138 Pipeline 18 1559 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 62 9281 Unknown 2 161 Total 302 50062


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: BC # of Herds 227 # of Cows (count from animals) 42356 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 42172 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 43542 # of Hfrs (any age) 44875 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 2 0.9% 4 1.7% 30 to 50 13 5.7% 15 6.4% 51 to 79 38 16.7% 36 15.5% 80 to 150 75 33.0% 77 33.0% >150 99 43.6% 101 43.3% Herds Animals Parlours 164 32670 Ind Stall 5 494 Rotary 7 4317 Hrrng Bone 97 14819 Parallel 47 11577 Parabone 7 1396 Flat Barn 1 67 Pipeline 7 374 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 56 9718 Unknown 0 0 Total 227 42762


Monthly Statistics as of: 30-Sep-21 Run Date: 08-Oct-21 Prov: NF # of Herds 9 # of Cows (count from animals) 1872 # of Cows (sum of herd counts) 1872 # of Hfrs (less three yrs old) 1499 # of Hfrs (any age) 1550 This Year Last Year 1 to 29 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 30 to 50 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 51 to 79 1 11.1% 1 16.7% 80 to 150 1 11.1% 0 0.0% >150 7 77.8% 5 83.3% Herds Animals Parlours 6 1348 Ind Stall 0 0 Rotary 0 0 Hrrng Bone 4 841 Parallel 2 507 Parabone 0 0 Flat Barn 0 0 Pipeline 1 250 Buckets 0 0 StepSaver 0 0 Robotic 1 193 Unknown 1 81 Total 9 1872