Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Run Date:  08-Mar-17
	Prov:                     Ont
	# of Herds                          2759
	# of Cows (count from animals)    236085
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)    234171
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)    193104
	# of Hfrs (any age)               202036
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29        112     4.1%              129     4.5%
	30 to 50        731    26.5%              824    28.9%
	51 to 79        958    34.7%              984    34.5%
	80 to 150       700    25.4%              676    23.7%
	>150            258     9.4%              237     8.3%
	Parlours  		      772
	  Ind Stall        33
	  Rotary           21
	  Hrrng Bone      355
	  Parallel        305
	  Parabone         36
	  Flat Barn        22
	Pipeline  		     1726
	Buckets   		       37
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		      232
	Unknown   		        8
	Total	  			     2775

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Run Date:  08-Mar-17
	Prov:                     MB
	# of Herds                           169
	# of Cows (count from animals)     27243
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     27241
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     23719
	# of Hfrs (any age)                24918
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          2     1.2%                4     2.3%
	30 to 50         11     6.5%               14     8.0%
	51 to 79         49    29.0%               47    27.0%
	80 to 150        70    41.4%               74    42.5%
	>150             37    21.9%               35    20.1%
	Parlours  		       86
	  Ind Stall         5
	  Rotary            4
	  Hrrng Bone       32
	  Parallel         40
	  Parabone          5
	  Flat Barn         0
	Pipeline  		       52
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       40
	Unknown   		        1
	Total	  			      179

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Run Date:  08-Mar-17
	Prov:                     SK
	# of Herds                            90
	# of Cows (count from animals)     15280
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     15303
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     14185
	# of Hfrs (any age)                15401
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          0     0.0%                1     1.1%
	30 to 50          5     5.6%                3     3.3%
	51 to 79          6     6.7%                8     8.8%
	80 to 150        41    45.6%               42    46.2%
	>150             38    42.2%               37    40.7%
	Parlours  		       71
	  Ind Stall         6
	  Rotary            5
	  Hrrng Bone       28
	  Parallel         29
	  Parabone          3
	  Flat Barn         0
	Pipeline  		       11
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       13
	Unknown   		        1
	Total	  			       96

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Run Date:  08-Mar-17
	Prov:                     AB
	# of Herds                           386
	# of Cows (count from animals)     57206
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     57222
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     56626
	# of Hfrs (any age)                59466
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          4     1.0%                5     1.3%
	30 to 50         13     3.4%               18     4.5%
	51 to 79         61    15.8%               57    14.4%
	80 to 150       184    47.7%              195    49.1%
	>150            124    32.1%              122    30.7%
	Parlours  		      315
	  Ind Stall        21
	  Rotary           22
	  Hrrng Bone      175
	  Parallel         94
	  Parabone          2
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		       27
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       47
	Unknown   		        0
	Total	  			      389

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 28-Feb-17
	Run Date:  09-Mar-17
	Prov:                     BC
	# of Herds                           295
	# of Cows (count from animals)     52963
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     52905
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     43285
	# of Hfrs (any age)                44275
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          7     2.4%                9     3.0%
	30 to 50         20     6.8%               23     7.6%
	51 to 79         53    18.0%               58    19.1%
	80 to 150       103    34.9%              113    37.3%
	>150            112    38.0%              100    33.0%
	Parlours  		      246
	  Ind Stall         9
	  Rotary           11
	  Hrrng Bone      158
	  Parallel         62
	  Parabone          5
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		        7
	Buckets   		        1
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       40
	Unknown   		        2
	Total	  			      296