Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Run Date:  08-Jan-14
	Prov:                     Ont
	# of Herds                          3076
	# of Cows (count from animals)    239720
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)    237521
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)    195613
	# of Hfrs (any age)               204864
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29        162     5.3%              152     4.9%
	30 to 50        963    31.3%              962    30.9%
	51 to 79       1040    33.8%             1055    33.9%
	80 to 150       691    22.5%              718    23.1%
	>150            220     7.2%              222     7.1%
	Parlours  		      810
	  Ind Stall        53
	  Rotary           19
	  Hrrng Bone      373
	  Parallel        313
	  Parabone         36
	  Flat Barn        16
	Pipeline  		     2039
	Buckets   		       42
	StepSaver 		        5
	Robotic   		      133
	Unknown   		       53
	Total	  			     3082

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Run Date:  08-Jan-14
	Prov:                     MB
	# of Herds                           197
	# of Cows (count from animals)     27342
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     27414
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     24489
	# of Hfrs (any age)                25436
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          5     2.5%                6     3.0%
	30 to 50         21    10.7%               23    11.5%
	51 to 79         58    29.4%               54    27.0%
	80 to 150        72    36.5%               74    37.0%
	>150             41    20.8%               43    21.5%
	Parlours  		       96
	  Ind Stall         9
	  Rotary            4
	  Hrrng Bone       33
	  Parallel         44
	  Parabone          6
	  Flat Barn         0
	Pipeline  		       76
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       28
	Unknown   		        1
	Total	  			      201

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Run Date:  08-Jan-14
	Prov:                     SK
	# of Herds                           103
	# of Cows (count from animals)     17380
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     17390
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     14365
	# of Hfrs (any age)                15689
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          1     1.0%                1     1.0%
	30 to 50          3     2.9%                3     2.9%
	51 to 79         11    10.7%               13    12.5%
	80 to 150        46    44.7%               46    44.2%
	>150             42    40.8%               41    39.4%
	Parlours  		       83
	  Ind Stall         6
	  Rotary            5
	  Hrrng Bone       34
	  Parallel         34
	  Parabone          3
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		       13
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		        6
	Unknown   		        3
	Total	  			      105

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Run Date:  08-Jan-14
	Prov:                     AB
	# of Herds                           437
	# of Cows (count from animals)     58858
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     58828
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     60292
	# of Hfrs (any age)                63480
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          6     1.4%                4     0.9%
	30 to 50         24     5.5%               24     5.3%
	51 to 79         69    15.8%               70    15.5%
	80 to 150       213    48.7%              216    47.9%
	>150            125    28.6%              137    30.4%
	Parlours  		      355
	  Ind Stall        24
	  Rotary           16
	  Hrrng Bone      214
	  Parallel         98
	  Parabone          2
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		       44
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       33
	Unknown   		        9
	Total	  			      441

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 31-Dec-13
	Run Date:  08-Jan-14
	Prov:                     BC
	# of Herds                           307
	# of Cows (count from animals)     45215
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     45166
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     40556
	# of Hfrs (any age)                41534
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          8     2.6%                7     2.3%
	30 to 50         24     7.8%               21     6.9%
	51 to 79         55    17.9%               46    15.1%
	80 to 150       123    40.1%              130    42.8%
	>150             97    31.6%              100    32.9%
	Parlours  		      272
	  Ind Stall        13
	  Rotary            9
	  Hrrng Bone      190
	  Parallel         56
	  Parabone          3
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		        9
	Buckets   		        2
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		       24
	Unknown   		        6
	Total	  			      313