Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Run Date:  08-Oct-09
	Prov:                     Ont
	# of Herds                          3155
	# of Cows (count from animals)    235531
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)    235287
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)    175707
	# of Hfrs (any age)               182654
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29        177     5.6%              216     6.7%
	30 to 50       1019    32.3%             1104    34.4%
	51 to 79       1056    33.5%             1059    33.0%
	80 to 150       718    22.8%              655    20.4%
	>150            185     5.9%              171     5.3%
	Parlours  		      796
	  Ind Stall        68
	  Rotary           15
	  Hrrng Bone      400
	  Parallel        266
	  Parabone         29
	  Flat Barn        18
	Pipeline  		     2242
	Buckets   		       42
	StepSaver 		        4
	Robotic   		       37
	Unknown   		       46
	Total	  			     3167

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Run Date:  08-Oct-09
	Prov:                     MB
	# of Herds                           216
	# of Cows (count from animals)     26553
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     26567
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     21034
	# of Hfrs (any age)                21922
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          6     2.8%                5     2.3%
	30 to 50         31    14.4%               33    14.9%
	51 to 79         69    31.9%               66    29.9%
	80 to 150        69    31.9%               74    33.5%
	>150             41    19.0%               43    19.5%
	Parlours  		      103
	  Ind Stall        14
	  Rotary            2
	  Hrrng Bone       39
	  Parallel         46
	  Parabone          2
	  Flat Barn         0
	Pipeline  		      107
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		        8
	Unknown   		        0
	Total	  			      218

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Run Date:  08-Oct-09
	Prov:                     SK
	# of Herds                           128
	# of Cows (count from animals)     18247
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     18284
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     14065
	# of Hfrs (any age)                14572
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          2     1.6%                3     2.1%
	30 to 50          7     5.5%                7     5.0%
	51 to 79         26    20.3%               31    22.1%
	80 to 150        53    41.4%               63    45.0%
	>150             40    31.3%               36    25.7%
	Parlours  		      101
	  Ind Stall         8
	  Rotary            4
	  Hrrng Bone       46
	  Parallel         38
	  Parabone          3
	  Flat Barn         2
	Pipeline  		       25
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		        0
	Unknown   		        3
	Total	  			      129

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Run Date:  08-Oct-09
	Prov:                     AB
	# of Herds                           461
	# of Cows (count from animals)     58307
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     58215
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     51381
	# of Hfrs (any age)                52873
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          4     0.9%                2     0.4%
	30 to 50         32     6.9%               32     6.9%
	51 to 79         91    19.7%               89    19.1%
	80 to 150       218    47.3%              231    49.7%
	>150            116    25.2%              111    23.9%
	Parlours  		      391
	  Ind Stall        26
	  Rotary           14
	  Hrrng Bone      256
	  Parallel         92
	  Parabone          2
	  Flat Barn         1
	Pipeline  		       60
	Buckets   		        0
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		        3
	Unknown   		        8
	Total	  			      462

 Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Monthly Statistics                      as of: 30-Sep-09
	Run Date:  08-Oct-09
	Prov:                     BC
	# of Herds                           323
	# of Cows (count from animals)     43200
	# of Cows (sum of herd counts)     43136
	# of Hfrs (less three yrs old)     35560
	# of Hfrs (any age)                36428
	               This Year                 Last Year	
	 1 to 29          7     2.2%                6     1.8%
	30 to 50         30     9.3%               32     9.8%
	51 to 79         68    21.1%               66    20.1%
	80 to 150       128    39.6%              142    43.3%
	>150             90    27.9%               82    25.0%
	Parlours  		      298
	  Ind Stall        18
	  Rotary            6
	  Hrrng Bone      227
	  Parallel         42
	  Parabone          2
	  Flat Barn         3
	Pipeline  		       17
	Buckets   		        2
	StepSaver 		        0
	Robotic   		        3
	Unknown   		        4
	Total	  			      324