Monthly Statistics  JAN, 2007                       as of:  Feb 08, 2007                        

     Average Current / Rolling BCA - average of herd averages                                       

      Prv # C Recs C Mlk BCA C Fat BCA C Pro BCA                                                    
----- --- -------- --------- --------- ---------                                                    
      AB        83       213       206       211                                                    
      BC        90       221       216       220                                                    
      MB        76       200       194       202                                                    
      ON        49       198       199       197                                                    
      SK        86       207       201       208                                                    

      WC        84       212       206       211                                                    

      CW        59       201       201       201                                                    

     Average Milk Value - average of herd averages                                                  

      Prv # Cows Milk Value                                                                         
----- --- ------ ----------                                                                         
      AB     113    5600.90                                                                         
      BC     121    5969.59                                                                         
      MB     109    5187.50                                                                         
      ON      67    5480.56                                                                         
      SK     122    5459.97                                                                         

      WC     115    5605.94                                                                         

      CW      80    5514.17                                                                         

     Average # of tests                                                                             

      Prv Serv  Avg # tests / year # Herds                                                          
----- --- ----- ------------------ -------                                                          
      AB  Mgmt               9.147     224                                                          
      BC  Mgmt               8.388      49                                                          
      MB  Mgmt               8.803      61                                                          
      ON  Mgmt               8.754    1234                                                          
      SK  Mgmt               8.071      56                                                          

      WC  Mgmt               8.844     390                                                          

      CW  Mgmt               8.781    1623                                                          

      AB  Pub                9.843     267                                                          
      BC  Pub                9.850     293                                                          
      MB  Pub                9.769     173                                                          
      ON  Pub               10.277    2100                                                          
      SK  Pub                9.567      97                                                          

      WC  Pub                9.809     829                                                          

      CW  Pub               10.158    2925                                                          

      AB  All                9.439     499                                                          
      BC  All                9.602     344                                                          
      MB  All                9.456     237                                                          
      ON  All                9.613    3382                                                          
      SK  All                8.974     155                                                          

      WC  All                9.437    1234                                                          

      CW  All                9.597    4601                                                          

     Number of tests - Year to Date                                                                 

      Prv Serv  # tests year to date                                                                
----- --- ----- --------------------                                                                
      AB  All                    440                                                                
      BC  All                    301                                                                
      MB  All                    210                                                                
      ON  All                   2978                                                                
      SK  All                    110                                                                

      WC  All                   1061                                                                

      CW  All                   4039                                                                

     Average # milkings / test                                                                      

      Prv # milkings # Herds                                                                        
----- --- ---------- -------                                                                        
      AB        1.57     500                                                                        
      BC        1.50     344                                                                        
      MB        1.47     238                                                                        
      ON        1.35    3385                                                                        
      SK        1.68     155                                                                        

      WC       1.54    1236                                                                         

      CW       1.41    4606                                                                         

     Average billed hours / test - resp CSR and additional CSRs                                     
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 9 with name "R09" too small 

      WC      810    2176.9    2.688                                                                

      CW     3309    7498.9    2.266                                                                

     Total Billed Hours (decimal) for herds processed during the month                              

      Prv # Herds     Hours ITEM_CD                                                                 
----- --- ------- --------- ---------                                                               
      AB      192     446.3 07-070100                                                               
      AB        2       7.3 07-070110                                                               
      AB      150      44.5 07-072000                                                               
      AB       15       5.0 07-072100                                                               
      BC      233     674.8 07-070100                                                               
      BC        1       5.8 07-070110                                                               
      BC      121      32.2 07-072000                                                               
      BC        1       0.2 07-072100                                                               
      MB      150     332.0 07-070100                                                               
      MB        1       2.0 07-070110                                                               
      MB       76      23.9 07-072000                                                               
      ON     2170    4449.5 07-070100                                                               
      ON       13      42.2 07-070110                                                               
      ON        2       1.3 07-070200                                                               
      ON       17      17.5 07-070600                                                               
      ON      583     186.2 07-072000                                                               
      SK       68     194.4 07-070100                                                               
      SK        2       0.5 07-070600                                                               
      SK       28      10.7 07-072000                                                               

      WC      643    1647.5 07-070100                                                               
      WC        4      15.0 07-070110                                                               
      WC        2       0.5 07-070600                                                               
      WC      375     111.3 07-072000                                                               
      WC       16       5.2 07-072100                                                               

      CW     2813    6097.0 07-070100                                                               
      CW       17      57.2 07-070110                                                               
      CW        2       1.3 07-070200                                                               
      CW       19      18.0 07-070600                                                               
      CW      958     297.4 07-072000                                                               
      CW       16       5.2 07-072100