Monthly Statistics  JAN, 2003                       as of:  Mar 24, 2003                        

     Average Current / Rolling BCA - average of herd averages                                       

      # C Recs C Mlk BCA C Fat BCA C Pro BCA                                                        
----- -------- --------- --------- ---------                                                        
            43       192       191       193                                                        

     Average Milk Value - average of herd averages                                                  

      # Cows Milk Value                                                                             
----- ------ ----------                                                                             
          59    4613.33                                                                             

     Average # of tests                                                                             

      Serv  Avg # tests / year # Herds                                                              
----- ----- ------------------ -------                                                              
      Mgmt               9.002    1618                                                              

      Pub               10.451    2532                                                              

      All                9.886    4150                                                              

     Average # milkings / test                                                                      

      # milkings # Herds                                                                            
----- ---------- -------                                                                            
            1.47    4150                                                                            

     Average billed hours / test - resp CSR and additional CSRs                                     

      # Herds     Hours  Avg Hrs                                                                    
----- ------- --------- --------                                                                    
         2976    7096.6    2.385                                                                    

     Total Billed Hours (decimal) for herds processed during the month                              

      # Herds     Hours ITEM_CD                                                                     
----- ------- --------- ---------                                                                   
         2618    6052.9 07-070100                                                                   
           22      57.3 07-070110                                                                   
            6       3.1 07-070200                                                                   
           21      15.9 07-070600                                                                   
          496     166.7 07-072000