C:\Bats>echo off The system cannot find the path specified. q:\fatals tat tat\yyyy tnkwkly aisdata metrexpo weblink vrffail mnthstat brdb4brt demograph perfscor agefrst ctcended ancped The system cannot find the path specified. A subdirectory or file 2024 already exists. lowcmpnt rcantin mlkhrs kelton futrend chk61080 httprob meters qatools\wc qatools\on ctldim calqold rhadev rcdata allegra pstlcd errlog consent lactno anmfind marcstat neilstat clvease mstmp eraerror rplctstq negdim holdinv goathrds bclab erropts tanklwt optchck lenderr lerno srvpnopl donstat monthly fatal supvhrd adlic soldb4tst robot findspce mblab mbmun mbmilk trmdhrds robshutl blnceowe ped07 johstat leustat johmthly leumthly munmthly johprob leuprob onlab rcqtly billgrex ctc aisinv bobdata robdata bceffcrd courier loeppky sopthcr numtsts act drycalv health conscos cbdata clveasupd cydmiss pcrmthly pcrstat aishrs callfee ccia jdomafra oflload tsttargt circprof wcscc dfo rcaishrs rondata mlkperhr dly circdemogrph bvdstat bvdmthly cowststd finddot csrcirno prgstat prgmthly lcsdry mail_only usaped advxaddr allgstat bhbmthly pertinfo dccmpr orphopq hifat dnlerr davedata cmprmlkng valacta rcmthly scccred prvfatkg edhilist malelact spcbreed C:\>