As at:  08-APR-02			Run Date:  08-APR-02                                                                                                             
	# of Herds      4356                                                                                                                                 
	# of Cows     247884                                                                                                                                 
	               This Year                 Last Year	                                                                                                  
	 1 to 29        478    11.0%              510    11.8%                                                                                               
	30 to 50       1939    44.5%             1910    44.3%                                                                                               
	51 to 75       1161    26.7%             1197    27.8%                                                                                               
	76 to 150       676    15.5%              616    14.3%                                                                                               
	>150            102     2.3%               77     1.8%                                                                                               
	Parlours  		      657                                                                                                                                
	  Ind Stall       109                                                                                                                                
	  Rotary           10                                                                                                                                
	  Hrrng Bone      429                                                                                                                                
	  Parallel        103                                                                                                                                
	  Parabone          3                                                                                                                                
	  Flat Barn         3                                                                                                                                
	Pipeline  		     3410                                                                                                                                
	Buckets   		       95                                                                                                                                
	StepSaver 		        5                                                                                                                                
	Robotic   		        3                                                                                                                                
	Unknown   		      207                                                                                                                                
	Total	  			     4377